Installation of MFIX >23.2 using system MPI?

the release notes of MFIX 23.3 mention that from now on the conda package also includes MPI. However, we are using MFIX on HPC systems were we need to use the system MPI, e.g. OpenMPI-4.1.1 compiled for our fabric and slurm batch scheduler.
How can we force conda (miniconda, micromamba, whatever) to use the system MPI installation?
Could someone please post how to edit the install command from the download page to take care of this?
Any help is appreciated.

Install as normal, then activate the MFiX conda environment and:

$ conda remove --force openmpi

This will remove the Conda versions of packages leaving you with the system`-provided versions. You will have to rebuild the MFiX solver after doing this.

Let us know if you have further questions.

ā€“ Charles