Installation problem--wrong module version

I have got a problem when trying to compile the solver using source codes.
The problem is as follows:


Many thanks for your help!

I see you are using GCC 4.5. MFiX requires a Fortran 2003 compiler (such as GFortran 4.8 or later).

Also check mpifort --version to verify that your MPI compiler wrapper is using GCC 4.8 or later.

Dear Dr. Mark,
Many thanks for your kind reply!
I guess you are right, and I have taken your advice, but another problem exists.
I would like to compile on the cluster, and I use an interactive platform.
I module load the version M-fix needed.
All the things seem all right, but when I try to compile, the version of the fortran is still 4.5.3
Could you please give me some advice.
Thanks a lot!!
Kind regards

Make sure to delete CMakeCache.txt and any other build files before running cmake again.

Also, try defining CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER instead of MPI_Fortran_COMPILER.

cmake .. $MFIX_SRC -DENABLE_MPI=1 -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpifort

If that still doesn’t work, try passing the full path to the compiler, such as -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=/usr/bin/mpifort.

Dear Dr. Mark,

Many thanks for your help. I struggled half day to resolve this problem referencing to your ideas.

In the end, I reinstalled Openmpi and the problem is gone.

Kind regards

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