Interface heat transfer coefficient TFM

Thanks for clarifying.

Dear Jeff,
as I apply the Gama function to get the interface heat transfer coefficient for that equation use nusselt number to calculate the heat transfer. In the MFix editor three equation give for nusselt number for Des case. I want know that which equation is used for gamma calculation in the MFix.
please check the picture.


It depends on which model the user has selected:

Thank you, it mean it is applicable for dem case, for TFM by default gunn equation used.

Dear Jeff,
I want to know some queries about the heat transfer case.
Could you please let me know what should i do in the mix editor to monitor the data of the Raynond number and Nusslet number during the simulation? As there given heat transfer equation (gunn equation) gamma.f for interfaces heat transfer coefficient, using Raynold number and nusslet number. can I edit “Copy to project directory for editing” in the GUI (gamma.f) for using the different equations for the heat transfer case?

Dear Jeff,
in the GUI (gamma.f) I modified something to save the other parameter but the value monitor is coming to zero value, could you please let me know the correct approach?

Dear Experts,
Could you please tell me, can i replaced Nu number equation with custom equation in TFM case, if yes then what I have to take step to run the simulation without error?

The code above won’t compile so I am not sure how you ran the simulation and check the monitor values. PR1O3 and RE are scalar variables, not arrays. You would need something like

ReactionRates(IJK,7) = PR1O3


ReactionRates(IJK,8) = RE

You can write a custom gas-solid heat transfer in subroutine USR_PROP_Gama, found in usr_properties.f