Is it possible to have mulitple solid particle sizes in 2D TFM model?

Hi, I am running 2D TFM fluidized bed.

As you can see in the attached file,

I inserted 2e-4 meter solid particle.

My question is, can I input multiple solid particle sizes in TFM model?

Hi,it seems that you wish to add multi-phase particles when restart?
If you have not provide all the particle phases at the beginning, you can not add it when restart.
I think you can set all the solid phases you need when initialising and then you can modify the mass faction at the inlet when restart the case.


Dear CFD_Infant

Thank you for your reply!

I was not talking about multi-phase particles.

I want to put different sizes of solid particles.

For example, 100 micron 10%
200 micron 20%
300 micron 50%
400 micron 20%
solid particle with different sizes.

I think you can click ‘+’ in the solid tab to set different diameters of solid phases

and move to ‘ics’ or ‘bcs’ to set the components of solid phase.

Kind regards

Thank you! I got it!