Is there a built in axial symmetric model in MFiX?

Hey guys,

I was trying to reduce a 3D cylindrical fluid bed to a 2D one using axial symmetric model. Does MFiX have a built in axial symmetric model?


You can do periodic BCs. You can also do a cylindrical coordinates, but it is not supported by the GUI.

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I see. Thanks a lot! I have some other questions though. I am actually building a 2D model, so azimuthal component of the model is ignored. However, for MFiX, the 2D model is not really a 2D model but a 3D model with 1m in one of the dimensions. Is it possible to have a 2D model in polar coordinate, especially ignoring the azimuthal component of the Navier-Stoke equations and keeping the radial and axial components?
