Issue regarding installation of MFiX 22.4.2

Hi everyone!!
I have tried to install the MFiX version 22.4.2 in my computer server. However, the following issues arises while trying to open MFiX after activation step. Kindly help me in this regards.

Thanks and regards,

Can you provide more information about your system?

Please run the command mfixversioninfo (with the Conda environment active) and paste the result here.


Thank you for the response. Please find below the necessary information.



Are you trying to run via some kind of remote display?

Yes. The system acts as server for a number of users where we can perform computation from remote desktop mode.

You will need to use vgl/virtualGL for remote display of 3D graphics. See

Thanks for the suggestion. Now, it is working fine and I have submitted job as well. However, I could not find significant increase in the speed of the simulation. Moreover, only about 10% of the CPU memory is currently utilized. Is there any possibility to speed up the simulation process??


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