Issue with "Autosize" button

There is a suspected bug. If I “New” a blank case, and change the domain extents, and then click the “Autosize” button, the background domain will not change accordingly. Only after re-open the case, the background domain can fill the domain. (5.9 KB)

My version info is:[|attachment]
MFiX version: 19.1.4.post0
Python version: 3.7.3 (default, Apr 24 2019, 15:29:51) [MSC v.1915 64 bit (AMD64)]
Qt Wrapper: PyQt5
Qt Version: 5.9.6
qtpy Version: 1.7.1
Numpy Version: 1.16.4
Nodeworks Version: Unavailable
Flask Version: 1.0.3
Sphinx Version: 2.0.1
psutil Version: 5.6.2
VTK Version: 8.2.0
OpenGL Backend: None
System info: Windows release 10 running on AMD64
Install location: D:\Users\ywj123450\Anaconda3\share\mfix
Default Solver executable:None
Solver source code: D:\Users\ywj123450\Anaconda3\share\mfix\src

“Autosize” is working correctly. Autosize fits the domain extents to the geometry (stl file, etc.). Since you do not have any geometry, the domain extents do not change when you press “Autosize”.

What you are seeing is the default region not updating correctly (only in the visualization, the extents do update correctly when written to the *.mfx file), which is a bug and is fixed in the upcoming 19.2 release.