Lower solids concentration at the wall at high solids flux


I am using MFiX 22.3.1 (batch solver on Ubuntu 22.4, GNU 11.4.0) for a vertical long pipe model with 2D TFM, for cases with high solids flux.

At solids flux > 1000 kg/m2s, I observe solids getting pushed away from the wall cells, apparantly due to high granular temperature dissipation in the bulk; please see attached. Higher solids concentration is attained near the walls only at c_e = 1 and drops sharply even if c_e is reduced 0.99.

This would appear to be similar to that reported in the early TFM literature (e.g. Pita & Sundaresan, 1991); or am I missing something?

Thank you.

V_DU_012.mfx (37.2 KB)