Meshing rules of thumb

Dear support,

Just a simple but still a problematic question. When coming to TFM and DEM models (including PIC and CGP) for fluizided beds, what are the usual rules of thumb for the (initial) mesh size? I would be looking for some starting point such as:

  • 10 - 20 dp for TFM
  • 3 - 5 dp for DEM and CGP (assuming dp as dp*Weight^(1/3)).
  • 10 - 20 dp for PIC (using at least 10 parcels per cell)

Then, even after reading the PIC guide for meshing and choosing the statistical weight, I have some doubts. 10 parcels per cell looks as a good recommendation and everything seems clear (except for the dx/dp ratio required in this kind of simulations). However, I was opening the silane pyrolysis case and, with the statistical weight chosen in there, I am getting something like 1000 parcels per cell and a dx/dp ratio of 33, which I don’t know if it is a bit out of the expected bounds.

Any comment of anyone in the forum (in addition to the developers :slight_smile: ) is highly appreciated.

Thank you and kind regards,