Message "ppo = False"

When I pressed ‘accept’ button in Mesher sub-pane, I got the massage “ppo = False”.
I also got this massage when I follow the tutorial 3.8.
What means do this massage?
And how can I do?

This message is a normal part of the SMS workflow.

The MFiX console is showing you the MFiX keywords (settings) that are changed as you perform various actions. Unless the message says “Warning” or “Error” it typically does not indicate a problem.

PPO is a flag that stands for “pre-process only” - when this flag is set, the solver does the meshing only, which is also referred to as “SMS mode” (Segregated Mesher/Solver). Once you have accepted the mesh, the PPO flag is cleared so the solver can run on the generated mesh.

I hope this clears up the confusion.

– Charles

I understand your description. Thank you!