MFiX 21.3.2 windows GUI interface can not recognize the restart .RES file

Dear All,

I use the remote computer of windows to run MFiX 21.3.2, in some cases the following error happened

And then when I reopen the project, it can not recognize the restart .RES file, there is no record simulation time in the “run” bar although there are .vtu files generated previously. If I click the run this time, it will force reset and clear these outputs. How can I fix that?

Thank you in advance

Hi Ju. These two problems are not not related. When the MFiX interface starts up, it tries to connect to the mfix website to check whether a new version of MFiX is available. Sometimes there is a network interruption and the website is not reachable, so this message is printed. This is harmless and you can ignore it.

If you want us to look at the .RES file please submit a bug report containing all relevant input files. Thanks.

– Charles