MFIX-Exa 24.04 Release Notes

  • Development
    • Reorganize chemistry
    • Ability to read in geometry from STL files
    • New option to reduce timestep for initial step
    • Add option to specify mass inflow for inflow boundary conditions
    • Now statistical weight for PIC parcels is computed when using particle_input.dat
    • Add the ability to specify a user-defined particle distribution
    • Now only specify the present (non-zero) species for ICs and BCs
    • Introduce the StateRedist particle deposition redistribution option
    • First lift to allow max_level > 0
  • Bug Fixes
    • Add missing CPU-GPU synchronization
    • Fix two bugs in new chemistry code
    • Fix MPI Reduce error with walltime_limit
    • Fix logic for timestep growth
    • Fix restarting when using IdealGas constraint
    • Do not halve timestep for zero-flow simulations
    • Fix transient boundary condition processing
    • Fix boxes with empty intersection
    • Fix failure when an input is duplicated
    • Calculate EB inflow areas before initial fluid projection
    • Fix cube base conversion for n-cube particle IC
    • Fix inflow particle placement
    • Fix issue with solids mass inflows
    • When using SRD with particles, the ebfactory must be built with at least 5 ghost cells
    • Fix an issue with monitors
  • Maintenance
    • Bump AMReX and AMReX-Hydro
    • Allow a small tolerance when checking for CFL max being zero
    • More precise asserts for fluid and solids parameters for mixtures of species
    • Clean up fluid input checks and removed unused variable
    • Update enthalpy default reference temperature
    • Remove unused variable mw_avg
    • Cleanup GNUmake build
    • Generalizing fluid variables for ic and bc region inputs
    • Remove old unused tutorials
    • Update a couple of places where we were still referencing the old documentation url
    • Generalize particles distribution management
  • CI, regression testing, and unit tests
    • Update monitor unit test inputs
    • Update the dependent libraries for ascent CI
    • Add unit tests to CI
    • Only build images when run from a schedule
    • Udate CI triggering logic
    • Fix HIP tests
    • Update .gitlab-ci.yml file
  • Tools/Apps
    • Add GPU support to ALCC postmfix app
    • Fix the filtered drag calculation and add drift velocity calculation to FilteredML app
    • Fix a few issues with FilterML app
    • Remove unused variables from AMReX fjoin_par app
    • AMReX fextract app executable name has changed, update all references


  • The new chemistry solver now allows for solving homogeneous reactions :tada:
  • Now that STL files are allowed for complex geometry, all inputs using a CSG will now need to explicitly set mfix.geometry = "csg" and "stl" for STL files
  • The STL option is still experimental, CSG is preferred if available
  • The generalization and updating of the particle distribution management changes how the PIC statistical weight is determined: ic.[region].[solids].statwt is now invalid and pic.parcels_per_cell_at_pack defines the number of parcles at pic.close_pack for all IC regions and solids types
  • Multilevel AMR, i.e., using max_level > 0 does not yet work with particles
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