MFIX not starting


I am trying to install and run mfix-22.4 on Windows 10 following the instructions in anaconda.
However, when typing mfix to start the programme, I get the following message;
“‘mfix’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.”

The Anaconda3/envs/mfix-22.4 folder is essentially empty, including an empty .nonadmin file, and a folder named conda-meta with a history file.

I am suspecting that the download has failed in some way and that only the empty environment is created - any suggestions to resolve this would be highly appreciated.

Hi Kristian -

It does seem as though the installation failed completely.

I advise you to remove the environment:

% conda deactivate
% conda env remove -n 22.4

and try again. If that fails, please feel free to follow up here.

I would also like to mention mamba package manager which is an improved version of conda - if you find that the download and installation with conda is unacceptibly slow, give it a try. I’ve switched over from conda to mamba and we will probably update the official install instructions soon.

The difference is that it installs packages in parallel and has an improved dependency solver, which results in much faster installs. First, do

conda install -c conda-forge mamba

and then follow the usual download instructions with the initial conda command replaced by mamba.

Good luck and let me know how it goes!

– Charles

Note that mfix-22.4.1 has just been released.

Thanks for your feedback Charles - it appears as though I lost some characters when copying the install command to the command prompt - everything is working fine now.

Thanks again!