MFIX parallel version slower when using multiple nodes on a HPC cluster

Dear community,

I am actually not 100% sure this is a problem related to MFIX itself.
I have noticed that parallel simulations on our HPC cluster are slower when using multiple nodes on the cluster. For example, I have run the same MFIX simulation (with the latest version) on the cluster twice: once using 16 cores (which is the number of cores available in each node, hence using one node) and the other using 96 cores, hence 6 nodes.
The first one is always significantly faster than the second one (169 vs. 379 minutes).

At first I thought it might be a problem related to our cluster, but then I run a similar test with another model using mpirun like for MFIX. And for this model the simulation with 96 cores was significantly faster than that with 16 cores. Therefore I am now wondering it may be related to the parallel version of MFIX?

I have used the same compilers for both models (gfortran and openmpi).


For you fist case, you might overkill the simulation. It is not always true to get faster speed when you use more cores. For example, when you simulate a small scale problem with many cores, the communicate overhead becomes be limiting factor, thus will even reduce the speed.