MFiX Post-Processing

Dear MFiX-Team,
I am working on my Research Project with title "DEM Simulations of Gas-Solid Suspensions found in Fluidized Bed.The geometry is simple 3 dimensional rectangular box with fully periodic boundary conditions. I run the simulation and calculate the slip velocity (using difference of average solid particles velocity and volume average gas velocity at each time step). The slip velocity graph shows fluctuation in the beginning but becomes steady after some time. Same is the case for average solid particles velocity and volume average gas velocity. The output files are then used to find the spatial correlation function (velocity fluctuation calculation) that should decay with normalized distance (in y-direction). But it does not decay in the present case. Is there anything wrong with the solver setting? All the required files (along-with MFiX file) are attached. I will be grateful if anyone can help. (197.2 KB)
0.001_300micron.mfx (9.4 KB)