MFIX version 21.2 tutorial 3.1

I have followed the installation guidelines for the 21.2 version; however, when I try to run tutorial 3.1 and click run solver, no solver pops up so I cannot select the default solver it is telling me to select. I have tried running the code a few times and am still having this issue.

Hi. The most current version of MFiX is version 21.3.2, why did you install 21.2?

It sounds like you may have missed part of the installation command that installs the solver.

Can you go to an Anaconda prompt with the MFiX environment active and type conda list and post the output here?

Also, you can always compile a custom solver and run that - click the “wrench” icon at the top of the MFiX frame to bring up the “Build solver” popup.

– Charles

I installed MFiX 21.3.2 on another Macbook and ran the code again and still had the same issues. I have entered in conda list and the output is below. If I run a custom solver, how would I have the same output for tutorials 3.1-3.3?
Screen Shot 2021-12-08 at 9.50.39 AM

I think there may be an issue when I type “brew install gcc cmake open-mpi” into the terminal for the honeybrew part.

Aha, you are on a Mac.

We currently do not distribute a pre-compiled solver for the Mac platform, so you will have to compile your own. The results should be identical to the “default” precompiled solver, unless you have modified any of the MFiX code.

– Charles