MFiX Version 22.2.1 installation


I am trying to install Mfix 22.2.1, however, I am getting the following (please see copy of terminal below) and it does not complete the installation of mfix-solver-22.2.1, mfix-gui-22.2.1 and mfix-doc-22.2.1

One more thing, that I coudn’t removed the mentioned files from anaconda3 while I am trying to install Mfix

(base) C:\Users\Samah>conda create -n mfix-22.2.1 mfix==22.2.1 mfix-doc==22.2.1 mfix-gui==22.2.1 mfix-solver==22.2.1 mfix-src==22.2.1 -c conda-forge -c
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with repodata from current_repodata.json, will retry with next repodata source.
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done
WARNING conda.gateways.disk.delete:unlink_or_rename_to_trash(143): Could not remove or rename C:\Users\Samah\anaconda3\pkgs\mfix-doc-22.2.1-0.tar.bz2. Please remove this file manually (you may need to reboot to free file handles)
WARNING conda.gateways.disk.delete:unlink_or_rename_to_trash(143): Could not remove or rename C:\Users\Samah\anaconda3\pkgs\mfix-solver-22.2.1-py310_0.tar.bz2. Please remove this file manually (you may need to reboot to free file handles)

Did you try rebooting as the message suggested?

I just installed it.

I rebooted for many times, and finally it works. Installing mfix-doc packages took a long time.