Is it possible to count the advantages or even disadvantages of simulating fluidized beds using MFiX and OpenFoam? Which one do we prefer for simulation? Is there any article on this topic?

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My two cents:

  • MFiX is a specific solver for multiphase flow. OpenForm is a general solver.
  • For a beginner, you will have a much short learning curve using MFiX. (Fortran vs. C++, you know…)
  • MFiX is designed for solid-fluid multiphase flow simulation with heat/mass transfer, chemical reactions. Almost all models/sub-models for fluidized bed simulations can be found in MFiX, including TFM, filtered TFM, DEM, coarse-grained DEM, Superquadric DEM (non-spherical), MPPIC, Hybrid-TFM-DEM, PBM, Polydiserperse KTGF, etc.
  • MFiX can simulate complex geometry using cut cell technology. (OpenForm uses unstructured grid)
  • MFiX has GUI, which is friendly to new users. (A dozen of GUIs are developed by different companies, groups for OpenForm )
  • MFiX can run parallel with MPI and OpenMP, which can do large-scale simulation.
  • It is not difficult to develop your own code in MFiX.

Thank you for your answer. So you believe for the one who wants to work on fluidized bed, MFiX is a better choice?

Different people might have different experience and preference. I suggest you to have a try MFiX. There are a lot of fluidized bed related tutorials (including some step-by-step tutorials in the user guide.)

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I’ve been always wondering if MFiX developer group will migrate Fortran code to C++? After all, more and more new developed CFD codes are new developed with C++.

What advantages would make such a large conversion project worth the time? C++ is much harder to read and edit for new users, the documentation and tutorials would have to be completely re-written, the building of user modules would be more difficult and F90 (and related FORTRAN versions) works great in parallel as it is. So given the very large amount of work to convert a legacy code like MFiX, what are the benefits to both developers and users that justify that expense?