I am studying the mixing index of different size and particles of different shape factors, and i need mass fractions. I see “Mass fraction of each individual species” monitor in User Manual but i can’t see this option on GUI.
I have 2 solids. I built postmfix and trying to take these values in here. Postmfix gave me just the solid 1, I didn’t see for the solid 2.
Are there any suggestion for take values of mass fractions of differents solids for control volume (on postmfix, mfix GUI, or Paraview)?
These controls and keywords are not associated with a specific phase - they apply to all particles. The monitor_part_phase boolean allows you to select which phase or phases you want to see on a per-monitor basis. This is the reason that the species names appear in the first screenshot (CO2, etc) but the second screenshot only says “Species 1” and “Species 2”. This is a little bit confusing, I hope my explanation helps clear it up. Please let me know if you have further questions.
It seems I understand wrongly. I think that is a solid mass fraction, not species. And I didn’t see this option because I didn’t open species equations.
I have a 2 solids, not different species. And I want to mass fractions of solid1 and solid2 in the volume. I select total masses of different solids and calculate externally at Excel.