More advanced tutorials?

I am a beginner who is trying to learn using MFIX, so I apologise in advance for the very basic question. I have done all the initial tutorials (3.1 to 3.7) succesfully and now I understand how the GUI works. When I open MFIX I see that there are other examples (spouted_bed, silane_pyrolysis…), but where can I find a step-by-step explanation of those? Without it I’m stuck as I’m not managing to figure out how to do the more complex stuff, such as using UDFs.

Thanks a lot,

Hello, I’m also a begginner. I don’t know how to use UDFs, but I think there are many cases in mfix-19.3.0.tar tutorials. Some of these may use UDFs. In MFiX-User_GuideI rough steps of using UDFs are given. But I can’t find other materials to study this software.
I appreciate it that you can tell me how to use UDFs in detail if you know it. Thanks very much.

is an open ended question. You can literally touch all of MFiX through UDFs, which get called at very specific times.

There are some chemistry examples with UDFs here:

Some more examples there were recently added:

However, I assume you want step by step tutorials, or videos? I’ll see if I can make some for the next release (targeting March 2020). Any particular areas of interest?


Thank you very much! But I have a question. If I want to write my file, I need to set in GUI(like BC, IC and on), then write two files about reaction and reaction rates and put these files in save path. Finally, compile. Is this order right?

@onlyjus that would be really helpful if you could provide us (beginners) with some tutorials on how to write UDF’s.
Right now i am having trouble with a problem that requires to visualise an increase in size of DEM particles when they absorb some of the solvent flowing over a fixed bed. Is it possible to do this with no chemistry involved and just a physical change in dimensions? doesn’t seem to work? I copied and pasted it into my search engine but it redirected me to MFiX User Manual — MFiX 20.4-dev documentation. Thanks!

I think Justin was referring to section 4.13.3 “Chemical Reaction Examples”: 4.13.3. Chemical Reaction Examples — MFiX 20.4-dev documentation

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