No available default on mac mfix while failed to build one

Screen Shot 2022-07-26 at 10.31.19 AM

Hello Community:

After I try to build a solver, I met this error. Does anyone know how to deal with this problem. Thank you!

MFiX 22.2 is coming out this week and will have full MacOS support, including the default solver and the needed compiler fixes to build your own solver. Stay tuned!


Hey, I just download the latest version. It works now with a default solver. Thank you!

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Note that due to a small error in packaging the release, the Fortran compiler is not bundled with MFiX, so if you need to build a custom solver, go to a terminal window, activate the mfix-22.2 environment, and issue the command

conda install -c conda-forge fortran-compiler

(change conda to mamba if using miniforge/mamba)