Not seeing any reactions in 2nd of two solids

I am trying to run a case that involves reactions and I have two solids. The reactions for the first group is working but I am not seeing any reactions in the second when I look the the VTU files in VisIt. The first group involves metal oxides and the second is coal. My coal reactions are not taking place. I will upload the mfx and user_rates.f files. I am running MFIX version 19.2.0fuel_reactor2dbc.mfx (30.2 KB) usr_rates.f (12.5 KB)

I put in print statements for the reaction rates for solid 2 in user_rates.f and the rates were not zero.

I tried another case where I moved all the solids compositions into Solid1 and all the reactions are working. Still wondering why I get no reactions for Solid2. If I wanted to run with a particle size distribution I would need more solids.

Looking at the mfx file you uploaded, the species equations for the second solids phase does not appear to be enabled. Specifically, I don’t see any entry for species_eq(2) = .True..

Loading your case file into the GUI, I see that the species equation is enabled (the box is “checked”), however this isn’t reflected in the mfx file. This might point to a bug in the GUI. If I disable, then enable the species equation for the second solids phase (then save), the input deck looks correct.

Please give this a try.

Thank you. I’ll give it a try as soon as my single Solid case has run. I am not familiar with all the mfx file syntax but I will put that in and watch for it in the future.

I created an issue to investigate/fix: 945

Note that the default value for SPECIES_EQ keyword is True, so it should be in effect for solids phase 2 even if not explicitly set in the input file. However it’s still a bit inconsistent that the value is listed for phases 0 (fluid) and 1 but not phase 2.


   261  !<keyword dtype="LOGICAL" category="Run Control" required="false" locked="true">
   262  !  <description>Solve species transport equations.</description>
   263  !  <arg index="1" id="Phase" min="0" max="DIM_M"/>
   264  !  <valid value=".TRUE." note="Solve species equations."/>
   265  !  <valid value=".FALSE." note="Do not solve species equations."/>
   266        SPECIES_EQ(:DIM_M) = .TRUE.
   267  !</keyword>
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Summarizing from issue ticket 945:

The file StiffChem_0.log contains:

Solving solids phase  1 bulk density and species equations.
NOT solving solids phase  2 bulk density and species equations.

Looking in the mfix sources where this is printed, the message depends on the value of lneq, which is set up in the routine CALC_ODE_COEFF, in mfix/model/chem/stiff_chem_mod.f, line 358:

      implicit none
      INTEGER, intent(in)  :: IJK
      INTEGER, intent(out) :: lNEQ(NEQ_DIMN)
      INTEGER :: M
! Initialize.
      lNEQ(2) = IJK
      lNEQ(3:) = 0
! If there is little to no solids in the cell, then set the ODE
! dimension to gas phase only.
      DO M=1, MMAX
            IF(EP_s(IJK,M) > 1.0d-6) THEN
               USE_SOLIDS_ODEs = .TRUE.
               lNEQ(2+M) = 1

The per-phase volume fraction EP_S has to be greater than 1e-6 or else the phase is skipped: lneq(2) = 0

Adding a write statement to CALC_ODE_COEFF shows this is the case:

         write(*, *) M, SPECIES_EQ(M), EP_S(IJK, M)

results in:

       1 T  0.40000030398141967     
       2 T  4.9790266190745588E-007

That is, the SPECIES_EQ flag is set, but EP_S is apparently too small for the second phase.

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The second solid is not present in the domain in the initial conditions, but it is fed in the bottom boundary condition.

You can change the EP_s limiter (1e-6) to a smaller value (say 1e-8) to activate the coal reaction. While it may introduce another issue. In a single cell, if the consumed coal mass per time step is larger than the coal inventory in a cell, the time step will decrease to a very small value to make it converge. You can adjust the reaction rate to bypass it if you want: reaction_rate_eff=min(inventory, reaction_rate).