Number of cores used by a simulation

Is there a way to allow mfix to use all the cores that are available locally? I have 4 cores available locally and mfix only uses 1.

SMP and DMP are not supported on Windows. Look at these topics which I added below

can it run on the virtual machine installed in WIN7 operation system?

I was actually able to get it use all the available power on my personal machine by editing the mfx file directly. At the very end there is a line that says: #!MFIX-GUI OMP_NUM_THREADS = 1. When i change the number of threads it actually starts using all the cores available.

That is interesting. On Windows? Did you build the solver with SMP?

Yes. Here is what happens when i run the simulations now forum_pic

Is this just a display option (like a pseudo-change) or was it working with all cores?

If the solver is not built for parallel computation, i think it is impossible to run with all cores available. If it is so easy to employ all cores by changing a parameter, why do we need to build a solver for parallel computation.

Correct, the default solver is not built with MPI or OpenMP so it will not run in parallel. You need to build a custom solver with the correct libraries (OpenMPI) for the solver to run in parallel.