Parallel run in MFiX-TFM simulation

Dear MFiX Team

I want to know whether the parallel run in MFiX-TFM simulation with multiple CPU cores is possible. If it is possible, can you let me know the reference document for the parallel simulation? I am using Window operation.

Thank you for your help!

Daniel Kim

Neither distributed memory parallelism (MPI) nor shared memory parallelism (OpenMP) are supported on Windows.

Then how can I use MPI or OpenMP? In linux, are they available?

Both DMP and SMP can be used if your system has the necessary compilers installed. See the online documentation for instructions on how to build custom solvers.

Do you mean that I can use DMP and SMP if I have necessary compilers in my computer even though my system is window based?

If you really want to build source code with DMP and SMP, you can try Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL), which is a new feature under win10. Actually, I usually set my mfix dat file by gui, and build DMP solver with WSL.

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I think this it is very good option to me. I appreciate your help.