Other plot range than 0 to 1

Is there a way to change the plot range so that it does not always go from 0 to 1? In the image below there is a jet having 48m/s. Is it plotted this way as to normalize the variable using some max value found in the result set, or is the range “stuck” after displaying a different variable that actually has this range (as EP_G)?

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Ok, so there is a solution to this. For others in the same situation, I can reveal that a different scale can be produced by clicking the “color” icon. Now it of course seems obvious.


Thanks for pointing this out, the control is a bit hard to find. In the next release, you will be able to click on the scale directly to adjust the colors and range.

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Great, that’s a nice addition. (Perhas also considering changing the label from “Color” to “Scale” to lead to the combined dialog with color and range would be somewhat less confusing, while leaving the selected color range visible as an icon as it is today.)