Parallel, Initial, Obvious dividing line

Hi everyone,

A variable ‘Coordination’ is defined to count coordination numbers around each particles in my cases. These cases are simulated with DMP. Initially, the coordination number shows obvious difference at the split lines due to parallel.

The extracted codes below are related to ‘Coordination’ which will be exhibited in post-processing.

!$omp private(Coor_N)
!$omp shared(Coordination)

! just for post-processing coordination number
Coordination(LL) = Coordination(LL)+Coor_N
Coordination(I) = Coordination(I)+1.d0

With simulation going on, the initial ‘dividing lines’ fade.

Is this kind of phenomenon normal at the initial moment?

These lines might not work, they are for SMP.

Thanks for your remind Gao. From this post (The monitored velocity on one inlet planes are not equal to the given ones - #3 by Fei), I get knowledge about inlet velocity UDF if the solver is expected to caculate by DMP. However, in code files like calc_force_dem.f, some variables are added to achieve some functions. Here, two variables ‘Coordination’ and ‘Coor_N’ are introduced for counting the coordination number of a particle. I will run my cases by using DMP. How to edit codes or code files for these two variables? Could you give me an example, thanks.