Paraview for superquadric particle plot

Hi, recently I am doing some superquadric DEM simulations in MFIX. After I finished the steps told by “Superquadric visualization paraview plugin Xi Gao”,I found the SuperDEM filter can not plot the particles well. The initial cubes are plotted as rings in the SuperDEM filter in Paraview 5.10 (I attached here). Could anyone give some advice?

The option “Toroidal” should not be check.

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Thanks so much Guoqinglian, I did as you told but it only shows the sphere shape in paraview and can not coloured by velocity. Could you help give some advice,thanks.

There are several parameters (like theta, phi) you can adjust to display the non-spherical shape, but it seems that particles cannot be colored by particle variables when presented as the non-spherical shape, and I haven’t found a solution on this issue yet.

ahahaha get it. Thanks so much for your reply.

We don’t mind at all if people discuss Paraview here, but I wanted to point out that there is a Paraview forum at where you might find more help (and Paraview developers).

Hello @Clyde1006t
Have you solved the speed coloring problem in Paraview? Thank you

Hi Clyde1006t,
Can you provide link from where you got SuperDEM filter.

Gaurav Paswan,
Researcher IIT DELHI

Hi! I also encountered this problem. Have you solved it now?

Please see the solution posted at Sqp visualization and avoid creating duplicate threads,if possible.