Sqp visualization

Hi developers! Looking up past posts, I know that the plugin “Superquadric_visulization_paraview_plugin” can be used for SQP visualization in Paraview, my question is how to adjust the roundness and size parameters? These parameters do not seem to correspond to those in the model. In addition, SQP particles cannot be colored by variables such as velocity in Paraview.
Much effort has been made recently, but the problem has not yet been solved. Please give me some guidance. Thanks in advance!

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

To visualize the superquadrics in Paraview:

  1. Set the scale in x,y,z direction to the values of a,b,c respectively
  2. Theta roundness = 2/m, Phi roundness = 2/n
  3. Set the size to 1
  4. Uncheck Toroidal
  5. Set the axis of symmetry to z
  6. Set the scale factor to 1

Thanks Eric! We should probably add this to the FAQ on the website.

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Thanks Eric. It’s OK to follow your instructions.
Another problem is that at the “color by” drop-down menu, there are no options for variables such as particle velocity that have been exported in the vtk, so I don’t know how to color SQP particles by their velocities.

@jeff.dietiker told me how to do it:

“You can apply a calculator filter to the pvd file, which computes say the velocity magnitude or gets the x-component of the velocity vector. Then you apply the SuperDEM filter to the calculator. If you have already set up the SuperDEM filter, right-click on it in the pipeline Browser and select “Change input…” to select the calculator. That way you don’t have to re-create the SuperDEM filter. Then set the “Scalars” array to the one you created in the calculator, and you should be able to color the glyph with this scalar.”


Thanks Eric. :+1: :+1: :+1: