Hello everyone.I encountered this phenomenon:
I am using DEM to simulate a circulating fluidized bed, and I have set a mass_inflow in the boundary conditions to ensure that particles can enter the circulating fluidized bed every second. I started simulating from the 0s and by 9.5s, the number of particles had reached 920000. By 9.5s, it had basically reached steady state. Then the power went out and I lost the connection to the server. Afterwards, I reconnected to the server and restarted the calculation. When calculating, I made sure I checked Restart -->Use as initial condition. At the beginning, the number of particles was still 920000, and I saved the data every 0.05 seconds. The size of the VTP file with serial number 000 is 75965 KB, which indicates that I did check ‘Use as initial condition’. However, the size of the VTP file with serial number 001 is only 10229 KB, which means there are many missing particles. After 0.5 seconds of calculation, there were less than 100000 particles in my system.
Why does this phenomenon occur? I don’t think it’s a problem with the case setting. I used the same case setting, only modifying some geometric dimensions, but never encountered such a problem.Attachment is my case.Thank you!
I am using MFIX-21.1.4.
case5_2025-03-06T134947.630415.zip (4.4 MB)