Persistent errors and bugs when importing the implicit function of cylinder

Dear All,

I have encountered persistent errors when trying to import and adjust the parameters of implicit function of cylinder. Previously, I have this problem once, and then it disappeared mysteriously. And this time it happens again and can not be eliminated even I restarted my laptop several times. How can I fix the bug? Thank you.

Hi Ju.

In cases like this, restarting the laptop probably won’t help. It’s a bug in MFiX. It may be triggered by this particular project file, which could explain why the problem disappeared and came back - were you working with the same MFiX project? Was it changed?

When the error popup dialog appears, if you click “Ok” you will get a zipfile that you can include with your error report, this contains all the information that helps us troubleshoot a case.

If you click “Cancel” the zipfile is not created and you can go on with your work. In the case of a minor error like the one you encountered, you can sometimes continue without trouble. What happens if you continue?

Thanks for reporting the bug, we will get this fixed as soon as possible. We always appreciate bug reports from our users, as this helps us improve MFiX for everyone.

– Charles

Hey Charles, Thanks for your answer, if I clicked continue, nothing about parameters like height and radius will change(actually the errors are triggered by attempt to change the geometry paras or try to add cylinders). I will add one of the bug reports of zip files. Thank you. (15.2 KB)

Ju - this should be fixed in the upcoming 21.3 release, which will be released this week or next week.

Thanks again for the bug report.

If you don’t want to wait, you can apply the following patch to

--- a/mfixgui/vtk_widgets/
+++ b/mfixgui/vtk_widgets/
@@ -567,6 +567,10 @@ class GeometryEngine:
         geo['source'] = poly_data
+        if transform_filter is None:
+            return

the file should be somewhere like


(on Linux) or


on Windows