Persistent segmentation faults in serial build

Hey all,

I’ve been trying to set up a virtual Linux operating system within my Windows OS (Ubuntu 20.04 through VirtualBox) and keep having issues with making the solver executable in the MFIX GUI, v20.4.2. I’ve tried the system gfortran compiler (/usr/bin/gfortran) and Anaconda’s gfortran compiler but always receive errors like below when trying to build and run anything - this includes i.e. the mixer tutorial and my own .mfx simulation files, which build and run on my Windows machine just fine.

From a brief Internet search, it seems like the faulty hardcoded path /home/rdonnelly/ in Anaconda’s libtools is causing the problem, but I don’t know how to fix or overwrite it. Why would this be happening even when I use the system compilers?

Julia -

Ubuntu Linux running in a VirtualBox instance on Windows 10 is not a configuration that we test regularly. Having said that, it really should work. Let me see if I can reproduce this error here.

  • Charles


Great, thank you! I was able to do a successful compile & run from the command line in serial with gfortran, but when I try to do parallel (either SMP or DMP) I get a bunch of segmentation faults. I’m guessing there must be some cross-compatibility issues with the C compiler and the Fortran compiler, since command line compilation doesn’t print a C compiler identification, but I really don’t know for sure.

I’ve never had to diagnose a segmentation fault before (or at least never been successful in it) so if you have any suggestions for things I can try, please let me know!

Julia -

I set up a fresh VirtualBox with Ubuntu 20.10, and installed Anaconda 4.9.2, then mfix-20.4.2. I was able to compile and run the mixer tutorial, although I had to
apt-get install gfortran

In general, we use the compilers from Conda on the Windows platform, since Windows does not come with its own FORTRAN compiler.

But on Linux (even in a VM) you are better off using the system compiler. One question I have is why you are using Conda binutils and gfortran inside your Ubuntu VM? They should not have been installed by the MFIX installation, did you install them (and if so, for what purpose?)

– Charles


I misread tutorial guide section 2.3.3. “Install Solver Build Dependencies” and thought you needed the conda gcc and GNU make packages to run the GUI. I see now that these are only needed if you don’t have root privileges, and that “installing GCC and Make through your system package manager (such as apt or yum ) is recommended”. Did you have a successful compile and run through the GUI, or did you do your test through the command line only?

I’ll try uninstalling the conda compilers and see if that helps. I can still build from the command line with my system compilers, but not through the GUI, even if I set the C compiler flag to /usr/bin/gcc and the Fortran compiler flag to /usr/bin/gfortran.

Update - We are in business! After removing the Anaconda compilers, MFIX packages and Anaconda itself, I did a completely fresh install and now both serial and DMP seem to work through the GUI. Thank you!

I’m glad we got that sorted out!