Plastic or Frictional?

Hi, everyone

Recently, I noticed that source code of frictional contribution of solid viscosity in Schaeffer Model is not consistent with the equation written in Theoretical Review of the MFIX Fluid and Two-Fluid Models. The main difference is that the frictional contribution in the review is named plastic contribution in the source code. Relevant screenshots are posted below.

source code


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Note the comment in cal_mu_s.f, different frictional stress models are provided:
! EP_s(IJK,M) > EPS_f_min → friction + viscous(pde) C
! EP_s(IJK,M) < EP_f_min → viscous (pde) C
! EP_g < EP_star → friction_schaeffer + viscous(pde) C
! EP_g >= EP_star → viscous (pde)

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Hi, He kang

I notice that three contributions are clearly distinguished in cal_mu_s.f. But, in the theory reference Theoretical Review of the MFIX Fluid and Two-Fluid Models, plastic contribution is rarely mentioned. As posted above, the friction contribution in the reference is named plastic contribution in the source code. It seems strange.
