Postmfix install-uninstall

Hi all,

Could you please tell me how to uninstall postmfix. I was installing the mfix under /opt directory, but then I installed postmfix, and it was installed under /home by default, how can i unistall the postmfix? How can I customize the installation path? Thank you in advance.

What was the exact command you used to build?

What is the full path to postmfix under /home?

I followed the guide (7.2. Post Processing — MFiX 21.1 documentation)
From the Anaconda package:

build_mfixsolver postmfix

The postmfix executable is created in whichever directory you were in when you typed the build_mfixsolver command. It will be called postmfix or postmfix.exe if you are on Windows. Simply find that file and delete it.

There will also be a directory called build which is safe to delete, as well as the files libmfixsolver.dll.a , mfixsolver.bat and mfixsolver.pyd

– Charles

Thank you very much for your reply. I am using Debian. So just deleting the folder “build” is fine, it will be cleaned up. Is this correct? Thank you again for your help.

You can definitely delete the build directory. If there’s no postmfix executable in your home dir it might have gotten installed somewhere else. Try locate postmfix to see if there’s a copy sitting around on your filesystem somewhere.

– Charles

Thank you very much, Charles. I really appreciate your kind help.