Previous MFiX run is resumable. Reset job to edit model MFiX process has stopped (507.6 KB)
When I build my case,something wrong occurs in figure!I have submit my debug!

How can I solve it? Thank you very much!

The “Previous MFiX run is resumable” message is misleading. If you scroll up a bit in the console window you should see that the program had an abnormal exit (segmentation fault):

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x7f32f73c76b0 in ???
#1  0x7f32f73c6865 in ???
#2  0x7f3343f0a31f in ???
#3  0x7f32f770fb40 in __calc_thermo_des_mod_MOD_calc_thermo_des
	at /tmp/staggered_2022-03-08T204752.975543/calc_thermo_des.f:76
#4  0x7f32f7712427 in __des_time_march_MOD_des_time_step
	at /tmp/staggered_2022-03-08T204752.975543/des_time_march.f:192
#5  0x7f32f78d2d89 in run_dem
	at /home/cgw/Work/NETL/mfix/model/mfix.f:211
#6  0x7f32f78d2d89 in run_mfix_
	at /home/cgw/Work/NETL/mfix/model/mfix.f:146

Clearly, we need to make these segfault messages more visible (and contribute to the “Errors” count) - this seems to be a frequent source of confusion

The error occurred at line 76 of calc_thermo_des.f, which is a file that you have modified (notice that it is in the run directory /tmp/staggered... and not the MFiX source directory /home/cgw/Work/NETL/mfix)

|    74|      !###########chunlei###########|
|    75|         des_usr_var(4,:)=CONV_Qs|
|    76|         des_usr_var(5,:)=RXNS_Qs|
|    77|         des_usr_var(16,:)=wall_time()|
|    78|         des_usr_var(17,:)=wall_time()|
|    79|      !############################### |

The array des_usr_var is allocated as DES_USR_VAR(DES_USR_VAR_SIZE, NPARTICLES)

and you have DES_USR_VAR_SIZE set to 6:


so assigning to indices 16 and 17 will be an invalid memory access.

You need to make the array larger if you want to use it this way.

(We also question why you are doing this - the DES_USR_VAR array is 2-dimensional and you are setting the same data for the entire row - this is a bit inefficient, and if it’s inside a particle loop it will be slow.)

– Charles

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Thank you very much for charles’ reply!
I want to output the heat transfer and heat transfer time of the particles for post-processing.