Hello, developers. Recently, I want to do some steady state calculations, and I found there is option about steady state in MFiX version of 24.1, which is at run control->time marching->disable(steady state). But when I run my case, it always says some errors, “The MFiX solver has terminated unexpectedly Error information: Float divide by zero in _dgtsv_mod_MOD_dgtsv at DGTSV.f: 190”.
I’m wondering why the error happens, and there are not something about time marching in user guide. Here is my test case. Please help me solve the problem, thank you. test.mfx (7.1 KB)
In fact, through my attempt, I have found that if there are no particles present within the geometric structure, or if the fluid velocity is sufficient to carry the particles out, the steady state calculations will be successful; otherwise, an error will occur. The file I uploaded is just an example. Actually I want to solve the problem of whether a fluidized bed can be calculated by a steady state calculation.