Problem with dashboard while using SMP

Hi! I am using SMP for parallel computing on our server. It seems working normally but the DASHBOARD.TXT shows “Serial run”. It makes me confusing that if the case running serially or parallelly?

env OMP_NUM_THREADS=64 ./mfixsolver -f ./fluid_bed_tfm_2d_test.mfx

| |
| |
| Description = 2D TFM FLUID BED |
| Run Status = In Progress… |
| CPU time elapsed = 3.8 days |
| CPU time left = 15.5 days |
| Latest vtu file = ./VTU/FB2D_0056.vtu |
| Serial run |
| | | | | | |
| Name | Value | Min | Max | % of max|0% Progress 100%|
| | | | | | |
| Time | 0.57E+00| 0.00E+00| 0.30E+01| 18.8 % |===== |
| DT (+) | 0.35E-03| 0.72E-04| 0.10E-02| 34.9 % |========= |
| Sm | 0.11E+03| 0.11E+03| 0.11E+03| 100.0 % |===========================|
| NIT | 17| 2| 240| 7.1 % |== |
| Max res | P0 | | | | |
Last updated at: 18:17:41 on: 05/20/2021

Hi Junyu -

I believe that the message in the dashboard may be incorrect - I need to confirm this but looking at the code it seems that the variable IS_SERIAL is getting set like this:


And here’s the code that writes the dashboard file:

         WRITE (111,30)' | Serial run                                                                  |'
         WRITE (111,25)' | Parallel run, numPEs = ',numPEs,                                        '|'

I believe that NumPEs will only be greater than one for a DMP run.

Can you run top on the compute node and see how much CPU is getting used? Then you’d know for sure if it’s running multiple threads.

– Charles