Problems to build a Batch Solver in a Cluster with SLES 11

Hello, Mfix community.

I’ve been trying to run Mfix in parallel in a Cluster with the Linux SUSE Enterprise Server 11 OS which has no graphical interface. I installed Anaconda and ran it (serial) through “mfixsolver -f file.mfx” and it works. However, when I try to build a batch solver the build is unsuccessful and I get the message: “gfortran: unrecognized option ‘-cpp’” both in serial and dmp. I have attached the files with the outputs.

This may be the problem: the current gfortran and gcc in the system are 4.3.4 and I know versions 4.8 or later are advised in the setup guide, but I am having problems to install these newer versions in the system.

Is it possible to build the batch solver with gfortran 4.3? Or is there any way to use a newer version of gfortran installed in the mfix-19.1 env? I installed gcc-4.8.5 through “conda install gcc make” and I think I can install gfortran as well through “conda install -c anaconda gfortran_linux-64”.

Any suggestion is welcome. Thanks in advance.

batch_solver_error_dmp.txt.txt (3.0 KB) batch_solver_error_serial.txt.txt (2.2 KB)

Yes, I would suggest using GCC 4.8 from conda install gcc. The gcc package includes the gfortran command. (You don’t need gfortran_linux-64, that’s mostly intended for building conda packages).

If you still have trouble, try setting FC explicitly with the full path to the conda gfortran:

> which gfortran
> export FC=~/.conda/envs/mfix/bin/gfortran

Thank you. It worked running serial. However, when I try running dmp it doesn’t work (File attached). Is there a way to install openMPI in the env and export it in a similar way?

Error.txt (2.5 KB)

Hi, I have got very similar trouble with yours. I have resolved this problem.
In my case, the openmpi installed in the cluster is based on a very old g-Fortran.
The problem is resolved as the following steps:
(1)load a gcc version higher than 4.8
(2)install openmpi on your local directory,

(3)set environmental variable and enjoy!

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Thanks. I followed the steps, completed the installation and set the environment variable. I had to install it locally and run make install with no sudo though. I ran with --smp and it worked, but it did not work with --dmp parameter. The same error persists.

Hmm, if installing a local version of OpenMPI is given you trouble, you could try:

conda install gfortran_linux-64 openmpi -c conda-forge

Hopefully that installs OpenMPI with GFortran 7.3.

However, if you able to install a local copy of MFiX with your system’s compiler, that may work best.


It worked! Thanks a lot for the help.