Questions about options on the SETTINGS pane

Hi, Developers

It is found that the functions of these options on the SETTING pane are not explained in the user guides. Can you give us a brief explanation of them?

Best regards

These are application settings which affect the entire MFIX application, not just the model you are editing. They mostly just affect the look and feel of the application. We will make sure the user documentation gets updated to include more information about these settings.

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Hi, im using OpenSUSE Leap 15 with a dark application color scheme and it looks like this:

Is there a way to maintain my color scheme (for the rest of my apps and desktop) but changing the theme only for MFiX.

HI Lawrence. Have you tried changing “Application Style” in the Settings pane? This will let you choose between a few different predefined styles. You have to exit and restart the application to see the changes.

If none of these settings give you what you want, you can try using ‘qt5ct’, the Qt5 Configuration Tool. I use this on my Linux desktop. It defines an additional style ‘qt5ct’ where you can make more fine adjustments (fonts, colors etc). You might want to try that.

Also note that some colors in MFiX are hardcoded (for example the light grey background,) so even if you change color schemes not everything will change.

Hope this helps,

  • Charles