Record variable specularity coefficient


I am using MFiX 22.3.1. I am trying to record the variable specularity coefficient in the reaction rates array.

The program does not run on the GUI (exits without displaying any error); please find bug report attached. I tried on the CLI, it exits with an error (screen shot attached).

Kindly help me out.

Thank you. (27.8 KB)


As the stack trace shows, there’s an error in the solver code at line 444 of check_bc_walls.f

Here’s the code in question:

   439	            IF (PHIP_OUT_JJ) THEN
   440	               IF(nRR < 1) THEN
   441	                  WRITE(ERR_MSG, 1209)
   442	                  CALL LOG_ERROR()
   443	               ENDIF
   444	               WRITE (UNIT_LOG, 1210) phip0
   445	            ENDIF
   446	         ENDIF
   447	      ENDIF   ! if granular_energy and bc_jj_ps = 1
   469	 1210 FORMAT(/1X,70('*')//' From: CHECK_BC_WALLS_TFM',/' Message: ',&
   470	         'Specularity will be stored as the first element of ', &
   471	         'ReactionRates',/1X,'array in WALL CELLS. Please avoid ', &
   472	         'overwriting it when reacting flow',/1X,' is simulated.', &
   473	         /1X,70('*')/)

Note that the message defined at L469 1210 FORMAT
does not contain any format descriptors, and when it’s being used at L444, the variable phip0 is being passed as an argument to the format string, resulting in the (admittedly somewhat cryptic) Insufficient data descriptors message.

The fix is to edit the file /home/pb/mfx-22.3.1/model/check_data/check_bc_walls.f and modify line 444 from:

   WRITE (UNIT_LOG, 1210)  phip0


   WRITE (UNIT_LOG, 1210)

that is simply eliminate the phip0, and rebuild.

Note that this incorrect code has been in MFiX since 2014(!) but it looks like you are the first one to trigger the error.

We will fix this in the next MFiX release. Sorry for the trouble, and thanks for the report.

– Charles

Hi Charles, Thank you. It works well now!