I’m begginer with MFiX.
I’m trying to make a mixer with only one paddle so I took the tutorial and tried basically to suppress the references to the second paddle in:
- the mfix script (with the GUI)
- the UDFs scripts (when the paddles were rotated)
I think there is no more occurence of the 4Paddles_pos or is_0002.stl in the files I can modify but I have still the same error :
Error from cartesian_grid/get_stl_data.f:1338
Error: STL GROUP ID NOT FOUND FOR: is_0002.stl
This means for some reason MFiX is still aware of the existence of the second paddle but how ?
Thank you in advance for your advices,
mixer6.mfx (9.1 KB)
usr0.f (3.0 KB)
usr1_des.f (4.0 KB)