Restart simulation with finer mesh

Hi All.

I have recently been running a DEM simulation of a spouting bed and want to investigate the effects of mesh sensitivity on the bed. Is there a way to initialize the flow and DEM on a finer mesh using the results obtained from a course mesh? Or is restarting the simulation from the beginning the only option?


This is a feature in postmfix for regular (non cut-cell) simulations. I haven’t tested it in a very long time so I’m not certain if it still works.

Documentation on building and running postmfix.

an intermediate step could be to use the particle positions from a fully developed state on the coarser grid. one easy way to do this is restart for a trivial amount of time w/ tecplot format ascii io enabled, there’s a col or two that need to be swapped to make it a particle_input.dat file, but it’s pretty straightforward.