Running divergence

Hi developers, I had a problem running the DEM model as shown in the image below. Particle positions for simulating initial conditions are read in the “particle_input.dat” file, and the initial total number of particles is 54620. The volume fraction of the inlet gas is 0.8, and the volume fraction of the two particles is 0.16 and 0.04 respectively. When the flow rate of the inlet is set to 1.6 or 1.2, the error shown in the following figure will be found.Strangely enough, the simulation worked when I set the intake speed to 1.5 or 1.3. This is confusing to me. Where does this problem come up?

I have tried to divide a finer grid, but the error shown in the following figure occurs again. I think the volume fraction of my imported particles is already very low, and the method of dividing the grid is not feasible. How can I solve the problem of running divergence?

The following is my running case, I hope developers can give me some useful suggestions, thank you (46.5 MB)