Running MFIX on fedora with batch solver with dmp

I would like to run MFIX on a linux machine that has fedora version 25. I was able to download anaconda and create the 19.1 evironment and install mfix. I then in the activated 19.1 environment did the command “build_mfixsolver -batch -dmp -j” and it said the build was successful, but when I try to run parallel with the command “mpirun -np 16 ./mfixsolver -f base_pa.mfx NODESI=2 NODESJ=4 NODESK=2” I get

usage: [-h] [-f FILE] [-p] [-l LOG] [-c] [-s] [-v] error: unrecognized arguments: NODESI=2 NODESJ=4 NODESK=2

If my problem is because the anaconda mfix has not been tested on fedora, do I need to compile mfix from the tarball source?

The batch solver will run serial on fedora but I am not able to run parallel.

I can’t tell from your original post. Did you use --batch or -batch. If you are getting pymfix errors, I’m guessing that you didn’t get the batch (non-interactive) solver.

I used -batch per 5.2.1 of the user’s guide. The batch solver does run serial without the “NODES?” keywords. in the error message is telling me that it is not a batch solver.

Do I use --batch in the build command? Why would the serial run? So the mfixsolver command starts the interactive solver?

Yes. To build the batch solver, you need to use a double-dash flag, --batch. I’m guessing the confusion came in how the website rendered the font.

Yes, the formatting in the user manual is wrong. We will patch it to fix the formatting.

This resolved it. I am running on a fedora machine in parallel in dmp