Same mfx file different results

Adam_norway_33.mfx (23.0 KB)

Hey Guys,

Someone wrote a TFM mfix file half a year ago and I tried to run it today. I realized that our results were pretty much exactly the same except the measurement of pressure 1cm above the inlet. My pressure was measured about half of his result. Does anyone know how we got different simulation results using exactly the same code? Thank you!


Hi Jack

By “the same code” I assume you mean the same input file (.mfx). But are you comparing results from two different versions of MFiX itself? Can you give us more details about what versions you are referring to, what hardware you are running on, etc. It would be good to understand what’s going on here!

  • Charles Waldman (MFiX team)

Hi Charles,

Yeah it was the same .mfx file on 2 different versions. I was using 20.4.0 on my Mac. Not sure what the other guy was using, but he did his work in mid July 2020 so I assume it’s either 20.2.1 or something earlier?
