Search for particles within a specified range

I’d like to ask if I want to search for particles within a specified multiple diameter of a particle, how do I do that?

Hi @suzx_forward - I don’t understand the question. In what context do you want to search for partcles? Can you provide a little more detail on what you are trying to do?

Thanks Charles. I looked at Dr. Musser’s paper and found that the previous code had the ability to search for particles in a specified thermodynamic neighborhood. I would like to know how this is implemented in today’s version of MFIX.

Sorry, I still don’t know what you are asking. What paper are you referring to? What “previous code”? What is that code you posted? - without context it’s hard to understand what you are looking for.

Sorry Charles. In simple terms, the subroutine CALC_avgTs is only able to calculate the average temperature within a grid. But I want to calculate the average temperature within 3 times radius of a particle. I don’t know how I should search for particles with 3 times radius.