Set set Wet particle

Dear All,

I would like to ask how to set Wet particle in MFix DEM,
the particle as a Coal that has moisture contains.


You can see enable species equation under the solid tab. Don’t forget; you need to activate energy equations and define reaction rate If you want to solve drying, evaporation, or something.

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Hello, @kececi.ahmet thank you very much for your information,

I would like to ask about the species option, when I set H20 under the solid option, is that mean the layer or the part of a particle consist of H20?

when coal or biomass, should I set detailed component coal or biomass in under species in solid option.

thank you
Agus nuryadi

Define species and look at the initial or boundary conditions for solid phases. You can define what percentage of which content will be in the solid. If I am not mistaken, it means part of a particle (not the layer).

You can look at the source file of Mfix-19.3.1/legacy_tests/dem-tests/evaporation or condensation

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@kececi.ahmet thank you very much