Setup solver error reported

Hello, when I was building the solver, I found an error. Although the solver was built successfully, I would like to know why these errors were made. I saw the same problem on the forum, and according to his solution, I clicked clear on Build Solver, but the error was still reported when I re-built it, may I ask what is the reason? thank you (34.7 KB)

Hi - these warnings are coming from a library called f2py which is used in MFiX to generate Python->Fortran “wrapper” code. In the newest version of MFiX (22.3, to be released soon) we have stopped using f2py in favor of a newer approach. So these errors will no longer be seen once you upgrade to MFiX 22.3.

In the meanwhile, note that they are not fatal errors and can safely be ignored. If the build completes with “Build succeeded” then just ignore these until the next release comes out.

Thanks for your patience.

– Charles

  • Ok, thank you for your reply