Simulation time/ recorded video

Hello everyone.

I am simulating the melting process inside a rectangular enclosure. I got the final results that I wanted. However, on the GUI, the time is always zero, so I can’t get the next or previous result or play it as a video.

Can you advise me on how I can solve it?

Thank you! (232.5 KB)

Looks like it didn’t timestep and only one vtu file was written.

 Starting solids mass =   0.0000
 t=     0.0000 Dt= 0.1000E-05 NIT>200 Sm=   0.0000    MbErr%=
Timestep walltime, fluid solver:   12.215 s
 t=    0.000000 Wrote SPx: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B; .OUT; .USR: 1,2,3,4,5; .RES; 
Wall Time - Elapsed: 12.89s    Est. Remaining: 0.0s

@onlyjus Thank you for your reply.

Can you advise me on how to proceed with it? I believe I am still having a lack of understanding when setting run pane parameters. I tried to change them, but I always get dt<dt_min.

If you are getting the dt<dt_min error, it means that the simulation is not converging. This could be due to a number of reasons, mesh quality, initial conditions, solver settings, etc.

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