Sinusoidal particle input

You should expect a very noisy signal. This is what I got with a mean rate of 0.00017 and an amplitude of 0.00007

Apply some smoothing (averaging) to that curve and you’ll see the sine wave.

How would I apply smoothing?

The plot window in MFiX uses a library “pyqtgraph” which is documented here

If you right-click on the plot then you get a menu, select “Plot Options”, I think Downsample (with Mean option) could be what you are after.

Otherwise, since the monitors are written as CSV files, you can plot it using some other plotting software such as Gnuplot or whatever other package are familiar with.

– Charles

Here’s what I got using a downsample setting of 50, this replaces each value with the average of 50 samples. This makes a sine curve pattern a bit more evident. Since the number of particles dropped is fairly small this will never be a smooth curve!