Some errors occur when running the variable density project

Hello everyone,
I did the “variable Density Project” calculations on MFIX21.2. The project file and reaction-rate file were all from Legacy_tutorials. I could have built the solver successfully, but some errors occurred. (9.8 KB)

Hi Raymond -

That error message in red is confusing. It is due to a change in one of the libraries we use in MFiX, it should not be getting printed. I’ll fix this for the next release. In the meanwhile please just ignore this mesage about werkzeug.server.shutdown.

I tried it here and your job actually ran just fine. The ‘Dashboard’ pane shows that you’ve gotten to a simulation time of 0.001044s:

and you’ve requested a stop time of 1e-3 s

So, it ran to completion. Congratulations!

We need a clearer message showing that the stop time has been reached. It might be a good idea to combine the Run and Dashboard panes. And having erroneous error messages in the console window doesn’t make it any clearer! Sorry for the confusion.

– Charles

Thank you!I will try it.

Hello, I also run variable density tutorial using Mfix21.2, the same error occurred. I wonder if you have solved this problem? How is it solved? Thank you!

The red “werkzeug.server.shutdown” message is not a real error, and this message should not be appearing with MFiX version 21.3. Please try with the latest MFiX and let me know if you still see this message. In any case, it’s just a distraction, it does not indicate an error.

The variable density project has a stop time of 0.001 s, so it finishes pretty quickly. Are you sure you aren’t just seeing a normal exit?

– Charles

Thanks for your reply, today I am using version 21.3 of MFIX to calculate this tutorial. There has been a different error from yesterday’s. Could you tell me how to deal with it?thank you!新建文件夹.zip (268.3 KB)

Hi Binhui.

It’s a little bit easier to deal with plain text than screenshots. You can just copy/paste the text of any error messages into your message.

Going through these one by one:

This tutorial uses cgs units which are no longer supported in MFiX. MFiX will automatically convert any input files from cgs to SI upon loading. This is the meaning of the message “CGS units detected! Converted to SI”.

That conversion process covers all the keywords in the .mfx file but it is not possible to automatically convert user Fortran files, since they could contain anything. So this warning is telling you that usr_rates.f is still assuming cgs units, so all the coefficients and factors will be wrong unless you modify this file.

This is the reason the tutorial is relegated to the “Legacy” folder, it’s not ready to run as-is. The usr_rates.f needs review and nobody has done so yet.

These compiler warnings from building the solver are ugly but can be ignored. As long as you get to “Build successful” at the end, everything went OK. It would be nice to clean up the solver build so it doesn’t do this, but this is not a high priority at this time. This one is not a real problem.

This “Message 2000” is just a routine informational message and should probably be printed in blue (Message) as opposed to Red (Warning) - I will change this in the next release, because it’s confusing. Again, not a real problem.

Is there a problem here? It looks like the simulation just ran to the end (time remaining = 0)

More ignorable build messages. This is a bit messy, I’ll try to clean up some of these extra warnings. But for now you can just ignore them as long as the build completes.

If there are real build errors as opposed to warnings, the “First error / next error” buttons on the bottom of the window will be activated.

Hope this helps,

– Charles

Thank you very much for your reply, which is very helpful to me.

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